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VIPART | NN Marathon Rotterdam 2024

VAPLNL.NNMR.014.PT.NL | Portrait
70x50 cm
€ 41,24
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70x50 cm
€ 74,30
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The NN Marathon Rotterdam is, partly due to the flat course, one of the fastest marathons in the world and one of the most visited marathons worldwide. In the ranking of the fastest marathon cities in the world, the Rotterdam Marathon in the Netherlands is in fifth place!

But what makes it so special is that the hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic spectators along the route ensure a true popular festival. They cheer, clap and motivate. They ensure that no other marathon in the Netherlands can match the atmosphere of #themostbeautiful. Nothing feels better than that one moment when you cross the finish line after all those meters you have covered. Be proud of yourself, believe in what you do and show Rotterdam what your strength is. Keep on Running!

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