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VIPART | Dents du Midi

VAPLCH.RDDM.083.PT.FR | Portrait
70x50 cm
€ 41,24
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70x50 cm
€ 74,30
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The Dents du Midi. These 7 vertiginous summits, all over 3,000 metres high, dominated by the Haute Cime (3,257 m), are our ever-present guardians and have been an iconic local  landmark since time immemorial. The rugged, 3 kilometre-long silhouette of the Dents du Midi mountain range stands watch over the Illiez and Rhone valleys and the Portes du Soleil. They can even be seen from as far away as the shores of Lake Geneva.  In 2018, they inspired a stylised new logo, thus becoming the symbol of the newly-formed Region Dents du Midi tourist destination.

The 7 peaks of the Dents du Midi:

– La Haute Cime (3’257 m)
– Les Doigts (3’210 m)
– La Dent Jaune (3’186 m)
– L’Éperon (3’114 m)
– La Cathédrale (3’160 m)
– Forteresse (3’164 m)
– Cime de l’Est (3’178 m)

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